Once again, regardless of the ups and downs of everyday life, photography has been a wonderful constant throughout the year — a source of exploration, creation, and on the odd occasion when things actually work out, genuine contentment. How many hours I’ve spent out and about, and how many miles I’ve covered, I couldn’t even begin to calculate. The only definite answer is a lot — an awful lot. But every minute and every step has been worth it, if only for the people I’ve met, and the places I’ve seen.
And below, as the title suggests, are a few of my favourites from the past 12 months. Some chosen simply for the results, others for what they mean personally. They aren’t in any particular order either, just divided into colour and monochrome. Oh, and clicking on any image will take you to the original post should you want to know more.
A selection that neatly wraps up Tokyo Times for 2014. So, until the new year, when normal service will resume, all the very best for 2015!
Tyler says
Exquisite job Lee, looking forward to your photographic successes in 2015
Lee says
Thanks a lot. Very kind of you.
jim says
Yeah, good choice of images. Nice mix of color and b&w
Lee says
Cheers! Not sure why, but colour won out this year.
June says
It would be difficult to choose a favorite, even a few, from your photos. They are all wonderful, thank you for sharing them.
Looking forward to more great images in 2015!
Lee says
Thanks a lot, June. You are more than welcome. It’s always interesting going back through the last year, brings back a lot of memories.
Linda says
I’m so glad I found your blog. Happy new year!
Lee says
Great to you hear you like it!
Hans ter Horst says
It has been a great year, Lee!
I especially appreciate your constant challenging of the typical yet completely incorrect image of Japan that is held by even people who visited Japan.
Lee says
Thanks a lot!
Yeah, the typical/stereotypical image of Japan does still persist, and like you say, even by people who have been here. By some who actually live here too, which is much harder to understand. But I guess in many cases, people see what they want to see. I often get the impression that anything deviating from the accepted view (particularly if it’s not an especially positive one), isn’t especially welcome either…
Taki says
Hey Lee,
Check out this link if you have time.
Lee says
Thanks. Yeah, saw that. Really interesting. Amazing how much things have changed, isn’t it?
Taki says
Yes, I love the feeling of change with familiarity
Rowena says
I enjoy your photos very much! It is very interesting to see Japan through your view. Thank you and looking forward to see more in 2015!
Lee says
Thanks a lot. Very kind of you to say so. Good to hear you enjoy my take on Japan.
Coli says
Hey Lee have a wonderful new years holiday. These pictures bring back lots of memories for me too as a follower of yours. I’d have to say 2,3,4,5 are my favorites here. Thanks for always sharing your part of Japan. Such a contrast from mine. 良ã„ãŠå¹´ã‚’
Lee says
You are more than welcome. Lovely to hear you get somehing out of them. Interesting how different our experiences are too. Same country, rather different worlds.
Norbert says
Great selection, Lee; evidently you’re wrapping up another photographically rewarding year. Always enjoy looking at your consistently high-quality work.
Best wishes for a great year 2015!
Lee says
Thanks ever so much, Norbert. Very kind of you.
You too. Hope 2015 is a good one!
Dave Powell says
Awesome set of images! I really like the one of the guy walking out of the train station. Happy New Year!
Lee says
Cheers. You too. Hope it’s a good year for you.
I was waiting for him to come out of the station. Him and his nationalist pals had set their truck up outside to blast everyone with their nonsense. And luckily, he exited the ticket gates just where I waned him to do.
Valérie says
Some beautiful pieces you have here. That grandma under the shutter (my favorite post actually), a father and his son at their worst (?) dining spot, great mood of that tiny and cosy bar, that bar owner and his genuine smile, the girl feeding a pigeon, and these two pictures of places, simply, that you made magical (that shrine under the snow is a so quiet image). Thank you ! You are part of the people giving me the will to shoot more.
Lee says
Thank you very much. Great to read your comments, and even better to hear that my photos help get you out shooting more. That in itself makes everything worthwhile.