With the customer being very much king in Japan, the service in shops is certainly polite – often excessively so at times. But the trouble is, as it’s mostly a much-practiced mantra that’s robotically repeated to every punter, the whole process can be a very sterile one, with little opportunity for a bit of banter or a brief conversation.
So, with this in mind, seeing this superbly eccentric fella flogging footwear was a rare treat indeed. One so intriguing in fact that the weird urge to try on a terrible pair of tan-coloured loafers was almost overwhelming.

andra says
and they say the Japanese are uptight!
Vanessa says
He looks like he should be in a Funkadelic tribute band!
thok says
f-a-n-t-a-s-t-i-c !!
Lizzy says
I wonder what his house looks like . . . . 🙂
Lee says
Colourful for sure!
paul schuster says
I would most certainly want to sample his loafers. I bet he’s a fun guy to have a beer/sake with.
Lee says
That’s just what I thought when I saw him.
CrazyCCA says
Cool combo (hat+glasses)!
Rex Dgrey says
I think his over doing it. then again he probably needs one that big…..