I wonder when Glenn Greenwald has the time to dig through Snowden’s files to expose the extend of internal and external snooping in Japan. I bet there is a load of this going on.
Uh oh! I suspect this is a foreshadowing of the coming of Jehovah 1. Better call your local Church of the Subgenius and ask for J.R. Bob Dobbs for advice!
Hans ter Horst says
I wonder when Glenn Greenwald has the time to dig through Snowden’s files to expose the extend of internal and external snooping in Japan. I bet there is a load of this going on.
Lee says
It wouldn’t surprise me. Not in the slightest. Trouble is, the new secrecy law means that such info is less likely to come out…
MrSatyre says
Uh oh! I suspect this is a foreshadowing of the coming of Jehovah 1. Better call your local Church of the Subgenius and ask for J.R. Bob Dobbs for advice!
Lee says
That’s the least of Japan’s problems!