For Japanese elementary school students, these bulky and bland bags are standard issue; kids the length and breadth of the country weighed down with their colossal size and cumbersome design.

Yet for parents looking for something just a little bit different, help is finally at hand, this collection of beast-skinned backpacks offering a real alternative.

As a mid-range introduction, the wild boar option could be a wise move — its furry finish a definite plus point. And it’s a snip at only 500,000 yen (2,436 pound).

However for those on the look out for a bag with a little more class and colour, the zebra clad carryall is ideal; although priced at a steady 1 million yen (4,853 pound), it’s not for the faint-hearted.

Yet for the truly ostentatious, this heady mix of snake and frog skin is arguably unbeatable — the inclusion of a liberal amount of gold further adding to its allure. Plus with a price tag of 1.3 million yen (6,307 pound), it’s guaranteed to cause something of a stir on the school bus.
And if you somehow remain unconvinced, just look how cute they are.
Altogether now: One, two, three, awww!
Ellen says
I am enjoying reading your blog…
Love the ladaseru (bags). Where did you get the photos?
Richard says
those thing are such a scam. Parents have to buy them for their new, little ‘Ichinensei’, and the companies know it. My in laws bought one costing about 30,000 yen for their grandaughter. 150 squids for a school bag.!
Daniel says
Where did you get the photos?
I saw this on the FG Forums but, as usual, our man here has done a great job with the material.
Daniel says
Oops – the name of that URL was supposed to be hidden – apologies
Lee says
I was fortunate enough to get the big scanned picture by email, along with some links to a few japanese sites where I got the smaller pics.
Not sure how old it is, but I’d love to know if they ever sold any.
Tracy (AsianWildRose) says
Awwww! Those are really cute but I think they’re too big. Almost bigger than the kids! I really enjoy reading your blog, it offers a fun and quirky view of Japanese life.
Jan Tracey says
That large image is the one I scanned and I didn’t email it to anyone! I’ve tracked it back to a friend who says she uploaded it from my disk to a 2ch image site. It appeared on FG Forums the same day but they don’t say where they got it from. Checking around I’ve seen it 23 times now of which 8 look like yours but come after you so I guess you did the crop. No complaints here – fun thing the net.
You can still buy the rucksacks today if you want.
jade says
hahaha… GROSS!! but you are funny!