With dogs from a Spanish speaking country in North America still by far the biggest players in the seemingly perpetual Japanese pet boom, it’s perhaps appropriate then that when it comes to convenient — and indeed comical — canine cleaning contraptions, one sent from Spain is seen as suitable.
At least for the master.

If not necessarily the mutt.

lalalemon says
Do they supply a rubber-duckie?
Lee says
No, but they should do. That poor little fella wasn’t happy. Not in the slightest.
phossil says
I wonder what the dog would say to his master after the cleaning..
Pam says
I don’t think my schnauzer would appreciate the auto-wash!
I write for a blog on the Mom’s Talk Network & linked you blog in a post I did about blogs from around the country. You can find the post here http://www.momstalknetwork.com/resources/link-love-a-global-perspective/.
Enjoy your weekend!
Coop says
Hummm most dogs and cats aren’t happy when you give them a bath….worked for a vet for years, can’t remember the number of times i was bitten and/or as soaked as the pet from all the shaking they did. Go Go dog-O-maticwash
The Envoy says
Washed in a contraption like that…must be extra terrifying for the dog. Mexican dogs are a favourite in Japan?
Lee says
Chihuahuas are. Admittedly they are probably about as Mexican as corgis now, but I guess that’s where they are still classed as being from.
Matt says
Cool, I wonder if they have a kid version of that.
Patrick says
It’s been some years since I’ve visited Japan but the place just seems to keep getting better and better!
daniel says
that’s cool.. but wonder if my dog will like it.. he still would prefer me wash him..
saksarid says
I would like to by this machine. But I cannot find form any website. Could you help to share some contact number please?