The Japanese habit of wearing masks during hay fever season may well be what created a fondness for such facial fashion amongst certain people, rather bizarrely resulting in the birth of ‘mask idols’.
A slightly unusual yet not altogether unappealing practice.

The burgeoning predilection for casts and covered body parts however is a little more difficult to comprehend, although admittedly there is more in the way of variety. There are injured arms.


And even both for the true cast connoisseur.

Plus for the true fanatic, there is also Kegadol, a book bursting at the steams with such stuff.
Eye-patches an added bonus.
darrell says
The Kegadol magazine is priceless…I wonder where I can pick up a copy for posterity. The sub-title is bizzare even by Japanese standards, with my meager Japanese I read it as “Peach Cross First Aid Hospital Babes.” This proves there truly is something for everyone in the pr0n department.
Jeff says
I’ve seen this particular fetish for years, but very specifically related to one particular anime character: Ayanami Rei from Evangelion. Could she be this craze’s patient zero?
sarah says
knitting pattern to make your own surgeon’s mask:
(bonus pics of mask fashion at the bottom)
an englishman in osaka says
Whatever you do, don’t tell those girls about Body Integrity Identity Disorder, or they’ll all be at it. Might make a good blog post though….
Steebu says
There are some wierd fetishes out there! I tried this one once but my chicken didn’t like it.
z0iid says
@ steebu…
the 90’s called, and they want their humor back.
rani says
Dont forget thers that girl from ikkitousen, akito and shiraume from Air Gear, theres another girl in Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei i know theres many more