Whilst the Japanese don’t really ‘do’ Christmas, they are second to none when it comes to decorations and costumes. And whilst I don’t have any pictures of the former, rather predictably I do have more than a few of the latter.
Like this delightful little stocking filler for example.

Or alternatively, how about having your sleigh pulled gently to and fro by this racy young reindeer?

Plus for the ladies, there’s always salary man Santa.

Merry Christmas!
Peter says
Your “stocking filler” photo demonstrates something I had noticed about Japanese women – they are often knock kneed. I wonder why their knees bow inward to where they touch each other, even when their feet are a bit apart?
Eric at Paris Daily Photo says
Do they put up Christmas decorations in Japan?
Surronded says
Merry Xmas Lee and all Tokyotimes readers!
englishman says
i have a rather large gift they can unwrap anytime (salary santa excluded)
Melina says
Happy Christmas Lee! Thanks for all the fantastic Japanesque posts. I want to be a reindeer next Christmas!
Large Women Fashions says
Regarding the Knock Knee comment – It probably has something to do with the Japanese mens desire to take upskirt pictures…
lifeisretarded says
Bah. Damn materialistic, beauty-centric world. It’s amazing Santa is allowed to be a fat old man and hasn’t been turned into a hot Maxim model yet.
Toni says
Your “stocking filler†photo demonstrates something I had noticed about Japanese women – they are often knock kneed. I wonder why their knees bow inward to where they touch each other, even when their feet are a bit apart?
I have a possible explanation. I read somewhere that (originally), this knock kneed way of standing developed because women used to wear getas. But nowadays IMO they stand like this because these 25 year old women are trying their best to look as “kawaii” as possible- like they’re still 10 years old.
Hallmark Ornaments says
Wow, Christmas is just around the corner! I should just keep the decorations up year round.