Despite the fact that four elementary school students were recently caught trying to make counterfeit cash, a 32-year-old teacher (who really ought to have known better) was arrested earlier this week on suspicion of doing exactly the same thing.
Ryozo Nishiguchi has admitted to forging 10 notes using a scanner and printer, but told the police, “I made them out of curiosity. I didn’t intend to use them.†The validity of this statement is questionable though as for reasons unknown Nishiguchi had put the money in his car.
Yet whatever the reason, it turned out to be the young teacher’s biggest mistake. As a in a piece of unbelievable misfortune, 60-year-old Katsumi Okide decided he desperately needed some cigarettes. But having no money, he broke into Nishiguchi-san’s car, stole the forged bills, and tried to spend them at a nearby convenience store.
When the bills were found to be fake, the investigation quickly led back to Nishiguchi and his scanning and printing skills. Or lack of considering his arrest.
How piqued the teacher’s curiosity is in regards to prison life wasn’t disclosed.
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