Jackets and jumpers for pampered pooches are far from uncommon in Tokyo. Elaborate canine kimonos on the other hand are rather more unconventional.

Captured post-pose, however, the poor little fella’s shame at being continually pictured and paraded is painfully clear.

(click images for heightened humiliation)
Bunny says
Seppuku (hara-kiri) looks almost inevitable in that last photo!
Shame, indeed! Mind you, the pooch could have been dressed up like Hardcore Gay! Certainly, this little fella has come of lightly. In Vietnam, I saw a Cocker Spanial with a Gary Glitter wig upon its little head and silver platforms up its dainty paws.
Hanuman says
I hate when people dress their animals up like that, but, dammit, he’s so cute!!! ๐
Tom says
I refuse to accept that is a really dog O.O It looks fake. I mean it looks like it is stuffed in the first picture.
Lee says
Sorry Tom, but it’s a real dog รขโฌโ unusual looking perhaps, but a real one nonetheless.
Toni says
So. Very. Very. CUUUUUUUUUUTE!!!!!!!!
Huey says
A very well-grommed real dog. Look at the hair, almost doll-like
Spirit Fingers says
I can’t stop roaring with laughter. Does that make me a bad person.
JP says
Can anyone tell me the breed? I would be prepared to pick up poop if my dog was THAT cute.
kyoto55s says
wahooo- She’s lovely (^-^)
Is she reflecting Pose ?
genji4010 says
i dont find this to be cute at all. this is a dog, not a doll. clearly the pooch is NOT enjoying this. imagine how uncomfortable this all must be for him. frankly, i find this to be ridiculous.
malia says
what kind of dog is that? i must know!!!!
ciara says
its a pomeranian..shaved