There’s an awful lot to be said for Tokyo’s cleanliness, particularly in relation to its public transportation network. In fact the only real negative is a genuine lack of character — a certain sterility even — in regards the surroundings. A factor that always made me fond of this previously posted, and far from generic, entrance.
Since the photo was taken, however, it has been given a lick of paint and a general make over, resulting in it looking pretty much like all the rest. Yet all is not completely lost, as very close by I stumbled upon this surprisingly little used access point. Not as grubby, or even decrepit, but it does have a certain, slightly down on its luck charm.
Charlie Hayward says
Wow. I never once saw any subway entrance, or any entrance to anything, in-country that looked less than “sterile”, as you put it. I’m kind of floored, but, like you, I’m glad to see a little more character in the otherwise pristine public travel ports.
Lee says
To be honest, these are the only two I’ve found. There must be more. Or at least I’d like to thinks so. But as of yet I haven’t found them…
Rurousha says
Asakusa. My neighbourhood. Love it. “It” being both the neighbourhood and your photos.
PS: I’ve never been able to post comments on your blog: they simply disappear. I’m going to try again without a (Blogger) website link and see if WordPress is happier without sibling rivalry. 🙂
Lee says
Likewise. Despite being very touristy, it’s a place I really like. Particularly so around the JRA building area. Some real characters to be seen there.
Sorry about the disappearing comments. I found a previous one and made some changes, so fingers crossed it won’t happen again.
Brandon Emberton says
These photos actually remind me of scenes from 鉄男: Tetsuo (Also called “Tetsuo: The Iron Man” in the States).
Love your photographs! 🙂
Lee says
Interesting. I’ve never seen that, so I’ll have to take a look.
Hills Learning says
Not as bad as New York! When Japanese expats first transfer here, the only thing they can say is how dirty it is…of course, “dirt” and lack of cleanliness can also be taken as “character” for a city.
Hans ter Horst says
I remember that film, pretty weird and very Japanese at the same time. It does take a strong stomach to watch though 🙂
Lee says
Will have to prepare myself first then!
Hans ter Horst says
Great location!
Lee says
Yeah, it’s a great little spot. At the end of an old, tatty passageway too.
Pretty much perfect!
Andrew Nguyen says
Beautiful pictures really
Lee says