As far as clothes or indeed any consumer goods are concerned, cute is unequivocally king in Japan, with anything garnering a cry of Kawaii! considered good or even great. A look that this plain but pretty little one-piece initially appears to have perfected. Its perky little bow at the back presumably receiving the required response.

Yet in a move that may shock cute connoisseurs to the core, its designer has daringly adding a dash of foulness to the front.

A slogan that while seemingly meaningless, is at least mildly amusing, as well as being available in black.

Which is nice.
zhao-zhuxi says
God, I just can’t understand these loads of nonsense coming out from Japan…
But at least there’s always something to laugh at :]
Even in China I haven’t seen such a nonsense! And this means a lot!
Jake says
the last 2 words are Milk & Pub (or Bar) in Russian, LOL…
James Clarke says
But, you know if I saw some wear it I’d probably get my picture taken with them… So I guess it works. LOL
OrangeDrink says
found it –