Unfortunately, despite the best of intentions, somebody offering a hand can actually be more of a hindrance than help. And, in a slightly similar sort of vein, anime-based altruism can also go awfully awry.
A situation it would seem that is particularly pertinent when protection is prescribed, although absolute horror rather than mere hindrance is arguably a more honest assessment.

(naughty but not intentionally naughty image nabbed from Neta)
Neil Duckett says
Hahaha, it’s hard to look beyond the obvious in that picture!
Peter says
Sumo dude doesn’t look that happy – guess the kids still have a bit to learn…
The Truth says
Not sure that cartoon is completely unintentional.
Chris says
Ruroni Kenshin. Great Anime!
Azangiline says
what are the kids looking at?
is he realy naked that dude?
paklah says
:: yes, rurouni kenshin anime…
kimmeshe says
dude what episode is that
alif says
what is anime ?