With its positively preposterous pace and velodrome verve, keirin can be quite a spectacle; however, in Japan, with betting by far the main focus of its followers, a lot of the sport’s allure simply passes by without much appreciation.
This then is perhaps the reason why the powers that be have opted to put a bit of pizzazz back into proceedings, by having special events that boldly boast the gamble of girls on bikes.

And not only girls, but girls baring their boobs.

Or at least a bit of them.

billywest says
Good enough for me; Where can I get Girl’s Keirin tickets?
PeterD says
Reminds me of Paola Pezzo, who won the women’s mountain biking Olympics race in 1996 with similar form…
Chris B says
Boobs always get some attention. Marketing 101 😉
Neil Duckett says
I like the way her ass is presenting so nicely.