“Blue, blue, electric blue, that’s the colour of the chair where I will sleep” – Bowie inspired 🙂
There is a very magazine cover style to this photograph.
So clean. Right into the edge of ground and kerb, which makes me think that small plant has been left to grow deliberately.
I think he may be daydreaming of doing Neo’s bullet dodging move in The Matrix.
Cheers. Yes, it almost seemed set up. It was late at night and I saw him from the other platform. Only problem was my train was arriving in a few minutes, so I made a mad dash up and down the stairs. Fired off a couple of shots, and then ran back. Luckily got the train and got to see him again as we pulled out of the station.
LAObserver says
I don’t know about current fashion trends, but, I would rather see posted photos of Nihonjin beauties in boots . . . . .
Lee says
Not well up on current fashion trends either, but boots seem to be lacking somewhat these days, and not just on these pages…
Matt says
At least he’s not smoking.
Lee says
No, he wasn’t. Very quiet station too, so he wasn’t denying anybody a seat either.
john says
“Blue is the color of my favorite chair..in the mornin’ ” (sorry ..Donovan inspired rather than ‘shoe gaze’).
Very colourful. I can imagine this on the font of a men’s grooming magazine.
Lee says
Any Donovan related inspiration is always good in my books.
Yeah, the colors worked very well. I especially like the lone red chair. Very Japanese. And yet at the same time, very un-Japanese.
cdilla says
“Blue, blue, electric blue, that’s the colour of the chair where I will sleep” – Bowie inspired 🙂
There is a very magazine cover style to this photograph.
So clean. Right into the edge of ground and kerb, which makes me think that small plant has been left to grow deliberately.
I think he may be daydreaming of doing Neo’s bullet dodging move in The Matrix.
Lee says
Donovan and Bowie references. Very, very nice!
Cheers. Yes, it almost seemed set up. It was late at night and I saw him from the other platform. Only problem was my train was arriving in a few minutes, so I made a mad dash up and down the stairs. Fired off a couple of shots, and then ran back. Luckily got the train and got to see him again as we pulled out of the station.