Looking at these three girls was like simultaneously seeing into the past and the future; a sense of what Japan once was, along with the hope of what it may become.
What they were looking at, however, is a mystery — apart from the little girl in the middle of course. The poor kid confronted with a peculiar, and in this case rather pasty sight, that in her lifetime could well become a necessity, instead of the novelty it invariably is now.

Dan Ryan says
Absolutely one of the best pictures you’ve ever taken.
Lee says
Thank you very much, Dan. I do like the timeless quality it has.
winnie says
Great shot!!
I feel like being tranported back through time into Edo period when I looked at this picture! 🙂
Lee says
Thanks, Winnie. Yes, it did feel like I was getting a glimpse of the past.
A Former Expat says
Actually I thought it could have been a shot from lat Meiji to early Showa Japan.
BTW what happened to the site for the past few days? Tried to access and got a page load error.
Lee says
My host had a hardware failure causing the site to go down, which in turn caused other issues which I don’t really understand. Thankfully though nothing was lost, and everything seems to be ok now.
Martin says
I have to go with the flow. Outstanding photograph.
Lee says
Cheers, Martin. It was a lovely moment.
Genjig says
Another feather for your hat; great picture Lee!
Thanks !
Lee says
Thank you! One of those rare moments when things come together nicely.
Willy says
Awww… cute! And captures the sublime end of the Japanese culture too!
Lee says
Yes, I’d love to see more sight like this.
Ed says
This is ART!
Willy says
Indeed it is….
Lee says
Thank you very much!
Hans ter Horst says
Straight out of one of those classic Osu movies, very nice!
Lee says
Cheers! A reference to Ozu makes me very happy.
Lizzy says
Fabulous shot!
Lee says
Thanks, Lizzy!