For reasons unknown — although it may well have something to do with late teens in tiny tartan skirts — the Japanese high school girl look is one that is often copied and clandestinely catered for, along with the availability of a veritable cornucopia of costumes aimed at pandering to such passions.

Meaning that such raiment features regularly in magazines,

and maybe even more so in men’s minds,

although generally it doesn’t involve the inclusion of brief-baring blokes, Sesame Street-style silliness and a pipe protruding from the model’s mid-rift.

Or maybe I just lack imagination.
(image via the FG Forums)
Ken Y-N says
I’m pretty sure I don’t want to hear the answer, but what on earth is going on in that last picture?
Harley says
That’s a clip from the movie “Funky Forest: The First Contact”, probably one of the most bizarre pieces of Japanese film ever produced. That particular photo is from one of the best scenes in the movie. If you are ready for 150 minutes of pure Japanese insanity, and you must be ready for it, then I highly recommend checking it out.
Lee says
Who knows Ken?
There again, that green stuff below the TV-like contraption looks like it’s from the student’s stomach, so perhaps the man exposing his pants is pleading for a doctor.
Not that that begins to explain things in the slightest…
David says
The picture of the girl at the desk is great.
The Truth says
Heck, I’d give anything to be that desk.
tadpoles says
To David and ‘The Truth’,
One day, when you’re older and have children of your own, you’ll realise that there’s nothing at all ‘great’ in pandering to the impulses of paedophiles.
inugami says
teddy bear panties?
John says
Who is the actress in the last picture? I know I’ve seen her in a movie (not the movie the picture is from) but for the life of me I can’t remember what. Anyone know who the actress is or what other movies she has been in?
ozzy new says
That’s great web-site here. TKS for more beauties.
Mike says
Whose the model or actress sitting at the desk?
Tim says
@tadpoles, a common mitake by what seems to be most of the world at the moment. A pedophile is a person who is sexually attracted to children who have not reached puberty. I don’t think the picture David and the Truth refer to falls into that category.
Tim says
And yes, I made a mistake on the word ‘mistake’. Lol
Donny says
I find the second to the last image to be deeply and profoundly arousing. Since the 1990s, I have been having erotic fantasies based around the fictional character of Kelly Kapowski on the TV show “Saved by the Bell”. In the more Blu-ray of these fantasies, Kelly becomes highly aroused while at school and when school ends in the afternoon she stays and masturbates in an empty classroom, similar to the girl in that photograph. In my fantasy, Kelly is 17 years old, and she brings herself to a beautiful orgasm by massaging her clitoris through the outside of her cotton underwear, and after she finishes, she leaves the classroom and goes home with very wet panties.