There are a fair few things that Japan has borrowed from Britain, like Tokyo’s train system for example, although thankfully it has been forged into something phenomenally efficient rather than merely farcical like its fractured forefather.
Somewhat more surprising, however, is the recent adoption of the time-honoured tradition of a really good ruckus after getting absolutely routed.

And, true to form, it has been civilised somewhat, although sadly it seems the odd knifing might still be necessary.

Plus, should there be a paltry number of people, or those present aren’t nearly inebriated enough, proceedings can always be kicked off with a heated debate-cum-argument over the correct placement of apostrophes.
Or commas come to think of it.
Drew says
The apostrophe got drunk and fell down…
Paul says
So you can sort out your disagreements in this place?
Kebab-Shop Owner VS Drunken Customer… FIGHT!
Hades says
It’s incredible the number of sign boards and such in Japan that are in English, going by the pics on this site at least.
How easily is the spoken language understood in the country?
Lee says
Bit of a mixed bag really Hades so it’s difficult to give an answer, although English ability in Japan is generally lower than that of many other Asian countries.