Quite possibly the people below always practice outside, or perhaps on this particular day they just wanted somewhere different from the dojo, but either way, if one is tackling something traditional, then it’s arguably quite a treat to train in a setting that’s equally aged.

However, on a cold and cloudy winter’s day, standing barefoot and unbending as the sensei sets out the session can’t be much fun.

Especially as the bald one demands the team’s total attention.

Although when his back is briefly turned, there’s fortunately the chance for a furtive few words.

And, despite the climate and lack of clobber, even a little bit of laughter is allowed.

(click images for mega-sized martial arts)
ikusuki says
Actually I did that the last weekend, is called “Cold training”, and is very common in martial arts.
But, although in Spanish, you can see how I prepared myself every night the week before:
Preparation for the training
Nice photos, by th way!
Fi says
Hi, love your photos! What camera do you use, out of interest?
Anyhow, what you have shot here is probably “Hatsumode” when dojo’s visit a shrine at New Years as part of the start to the years ahead. They generally do a little bit of training there before having some soup or sake (and heading back into the warmth!). You can read about a dojo in Saitama’s Hatsumode here: http://japankarateintern.blogspot.com/2009/01/hatsumode-shiramizu-style.html
Lee says
Cheers for the info. Now it makes sense. They, and indeed the pair of you, are far hardier than I am. No doubt about it.
Oh, and I use a Nikon D300 Fi. Upgraded to one fairly recently.
phossil says
I really admire the discipline they develop starting with the kids.
Neil Duckett says
Cute kid in the first photo …. and as always, nice story line for the others.
dave taylor says
Lovely pic of the karate students im comeing to japan in oct 2009 and i would like to be able to get a tour of your city ?? were do i go or how do i see to help me with this
im wonting to viset karate schools.
please can you help.