With today being a national holiday, and one entitled Respect for the Aged Day, it’s entirely feasible that the little fella below was dragged along to a temple to appease his grandparents.
However, despite undoubted treats aplenty, it’s perfectly clear that a day spent devoted entirely to his toy train would have been a lot more to his liking.

fatim says
The boy look so lonely…I guest ?
Mills says
Awwww, he’s adorable!!
MrSatyre says
Reminds me of a little girl about his age I saw at the Imperial Palace in Kyoto. Her parents were trying to show her the fish and turtles and the plants and trees, but all she wanted to do was play with the gravel in the pathways.
Stephanie says
It is a rite of passage… hahaha. It does bring back some memories when I sulked at events where I fervently wished I wasn’t there. It’s a very good shot! Cute boy. 🙂
Linette says