I haven’t traveled around Japan all that much, but wherever I go in the future I think I’ll be hard pushed to find somewhere as beautiful as Miyajima Island.

The only drawback is the island is overrun by deer, which seem to be able to detect food regardless of how far away they are. Even the most clandestine of eaters needs to be on their guard. And with this in mind I’d certainly advice against eating anything as obvious as a banana. My visiting father made this mistake and rather embarrassingly found himself surrounded by hungry deer, all leaping around trying to snag the banana he was desperately holding in his outstretched hand.
Needless to say they got their prize. My father on the other hand garnered nothing but a crowd of laughing locals.
em says
oh my! the deer on Fire Island, NY, also struggling with deer over-population, don’t grab food, but they do carry a pesky tick that will give you Lyme disease.
michael says
..slightly off-topic: what’s up with your weather! The BBC is showing that hill slide every half hour.
kelvingreen says
In relation to Em’s comment, what’s the status on animal-carried diseases there?
It was a great shock to me, coming from rabies-andLyme’s-free Blighty, to realise that you have to be considerably more careful around wild animals here in the US.
Does Japan’s island nation status give it s similar freedom from nasty beasties as Britain?