â€This could only happen in a country that is so open to immaturity. Authorities here feel it’s easier and less threatening to use characters to get the public to accept them, rather than explain the factsâ€

Whilst the rather unusually named Prince Pickles may indeed be a little on the cute side to be representing the nation’s trained troops, Kayama-san’s comments do seem a little over the top. I mean, it’s not as though, say, the police force have a similarly silly symbol.
Well, apart from perky wee Pipo that is.

However in his defence he does have the important role of reminding the more forgetful members of society what the force’s emergency number is — making him much more than a mere mascot.

And then admittedly the fire and ambulance fleet do have cuddly young Kyuta, but as well as offering the same number based service as Pipo,
the fearless little fella is dedicated to detecting emergency calls with his antenna-equipped headwear, tirelessly tending to the teeming masses of Tokyo.
Clearly proving that Ms Kayama doesn’t have a clue what she is talking about.
Lester says
By the looks of him, Pipo is probably more efficeint than the vast majority of policeman from where I come from.
He looks a lot friendlier too!!
Nicole says
Is it somehow more appropriate to use an icon of a fearsome looking bulldog with blood on his very sharp teeth to represent public services? Just what kind of service does that advertise?
Tim says
Japan didn’t have a single casualty in Iraq, so I guess it worked better than the US plan to win hearts and minds.
osa says
im iraqi and i love japanese military cuz they are really good people
because thay build hospital gridiron for football and school repair electricity i admit they are good than us army and they are treat people good.
USMC 0311 says
i believe that if japan really wants to build their military thats cool..but for what they have done in the past.. can we really trust them? To give such power to a nation that always had a past of violence may not be the best move.. to many marines have died to make sure the sun never rises again for their army.. but believe me their smart enough to keep it small or they will feel the voices/anger from the enemys they have in china..
osa says
USMC 0311 ohh yeah
the history of USA is more bloody thy kill alot of people in Hiroshima and Nakazaki thy kill alot of people marienes are just bunch of idiot killer who are just kill for money nothing else
ahaa UCA is the real TERRORIST it’s responsible about alot of proplems in the world