Well, it’s that time of year again, and not only is it Christmas Eve, but Tokyo Times’ first birthday. What on earth I was thinking starting a blog on December 24th is anybody’s guess, but start I did. And perhaps more surprising is that once I started I didn’t stop.
I have now been blogging longer than I was a boy scout, a would-be guitar legend, and gym member all combined. An achievement that (by my unexacting standards) I’m quite proud of.
But enough of me patting myself on the back. As it’s Christmas Eve I’d like to take the opportunity to wish all Tokyo Times readers who celebrate Christmas (in whatever form) a very happy day tomorrow.
And as a bit of festive cheer, here’s one of the many decorations brightening up Ginza at the moment.

*Tree kindly brought to you by Chanel. Maker of cosmetics, cologne, and, erm, Christmas trees.
Jen says
Happy anniversary on your blog! It’s great!!! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!!
eddie says
Whaaaaaaaat?! Thats the same damn tree from last year! Chanel, ka! Cheapo’s!
Best of wishes to you!
David says
Lee, thanks for a wonderful year of Tokyo Times. It’s been emotional.
Happy Christmas!
Toni says
Merry Christmas and Happy Blogday to you!
Massimo says
Merry X-mas & congrats! (^_^)
Ron says
We look forward to yet another year of Tokyo life, opportunity to slash tires, and of course, plastic wives.
You have one great blog and you know that, and yes, I am still voting for you out there.
Anyway, what happened to your picture dressed as Santa and standing outside KFC? Where did it go? I thought you were going to hand me some coupons for admiring
youSanta Saunders. Just kidding and pulling your legs.Have a good one and have fun everyone.
Ron says
Obviously your comment box doesn’t allow “center” and “strikethrough” html code.
That was “…admiring (strikethrough-begin) you (strikethrough-end) Santa Saunders.”
You might want to check with wordpress and see how much HTML code they allow, or you could add a preview box.
Anyway, once again, have fun and…
melina says
well, you know what kind of f’ed up christmas i’ve had…
but, that’s not gonna stop me from wishing YOU a happy christmas and a happy new year tied with an enormous glittery, sparkly bow around it!
love the chanel tree…loved it!
best to you and happy 1-year anniversary as well, keep up the great posts.
ps. love the bear costume…
misty says
Happy birthday tokyotimes 🙂
And I hope you had a nice christmas lee 🙂
Lee says
Thanks so much for the nice comments.
Best wishes to all of you for 2005!