Apart from its western extremities, Tokyo is a grey, concrete covered sprawl. A sprawl that sometimes seems like it never ends. But travel south of the city and take a short ferry ride across the Uraga Channel, and it’s a very different world indeed. A difference that is beautifully clear from the top of Nokogiriyama, or Saw Mountain.

LAObserver says
Great photo Lee ! Incredible colors.
Lee says
One of those places that are so beautiful it’s pretty much impossible to take a bad photo. Simply stunning.
Hans ter Horst says
Wow, very pretty! I bet it is scary standing on the edge there 🙂
Lee says
It is. An absolutely beautiful place. So wonderfully green as well.
Yeah, it’s quite a drop. A peek into hell I think the view is called. Certainly make your legs go a bit wobbly…
Bernadette Marchetti says
As strange as it sounds, the first thing I did when I saw this picture was take a deep breath expecting to breath in the freshest air imaginable. Instead, I sucked in humid, smoggy city air. So, just out of curiosity, was the air fresh?
Lee says
Yes, I’m happy to say the air was lovely and fresh. Wonderfully cool too on a warm day.
Squidpuppy says
Beautiful. And then I thought something morbid: wonder what the jumper rate there is like?
Lee says
Good question. Haven’t heard anything about it being a ‘popular’ spot, so hopefully the rate is very low. It’s a fairly popular place, and you have to pay to get in, so it’s not exactly private or quiet.
That said, at the bottom of the mountain we found an abandoned car which had a used charcoal burner in it. Not a very nice find…
Paul says
Wonderful photograph. It is reassuring to see a shot of Japan with so much greenery.
Lee says
Yes, good to know they still exist. Certainly takes a long journey to find them though…