For Japanese singer Kumi Koda, these are heady days indeed, as after already bagging this year’s much coveted Best Jeanist award, the Kyoto born star has now been named a Nail Queen.
The prize — perhaps unsurprisingly sponsored by the Japan Nailist Association — honours those deemed to have reached the pinnacle in finger-related fashion. And, as the picture below amply proves, the 24-year-old does indeed have a lovely set.

Other winners included the equally famous but far less photogenic Akiko Wada; plus, somewhat surprisingly, an Italian bloke.
Jesse S. Somer says
Konnichiwa Tokyo Times,
II Genki Desu ka?
It’s a little hard to write (no pun intended) after this post but here goes:
I speak Japanese and intend to move to Nihon soon, but that’s another story. I like your blog. You’ve got a creative approach-like the witty descriptions for photo enlargements. 🙂
A Questionnaire for Popular Bloggers,
As you’ve been either a recipient or a candidate for a blogging award I must assume that your blog is quite popular. At my blog I have just written a post that has a questionnaire relating to the topic ‘Why I blog’ and I thought it would be pertinent to get some insight from the minds of those who obviously have put a lot of effort into their blogging experience. The post can be found at
If you can answer the ten easy questions (in the Comments link) that would be great, but if you could take the time to really let my readers know what you think about blogging (from your heart, mind, and soul) that would be appreciated immensely. We look forward to hearing about what inspires you to make those little ‘ticking’ noises on your keyboard, and on what makes your brain ‘tick’.
Jesse S. Somer
Smallbrainfield says
That last comment put me right off my stroke, I can tell you.