An unnamed 40-year-old mother, who was millions of yen in debt, opted for an unusual and cruel method of repayment. Rather than getting an extra job or selling off valuable possessions, she forced her daughter to work full-time at an adult-entertainment business. Knowing full well that her offspring would be doing considerably more than pouring drinks and cleaning up.
The mother owed money to a couple, and they kindly introduced her to the adult business in question. Resulting in the 17-year-old daughter being forced to drop out of school and begin her new career. The nature of the introduction, and the fact that practically all the girl’s earnings went to the couple, has lead investigators to suspect they played a decisive role in the events. Prompting the police to arrest them, plus the owner of the business where the girl was employed.
The whole sorry affair came to an end when the distressed teenager approached one of her ex-teachers and said, “I can’t stand the work.” She is now in custody at a local government facility, which whilst perhaps not the nicest place in the world, must be better than living with her callous mother.
Toni says
That’s just outright disgusting. I hope the mother gets gang raped every night in prison and rots in hell.