May 20 2006 3 CommentsRoute canal Whilst it may make a change from the busy trains, it’s perhaps not surprising that Tokyo’s ‘canal tours’ haven’t gone down too well with tourists. (click image for darker and dingier duct)
minispace says 5/20/2006 at 4:55 pm You could give tourists nose-clips and tetanus injections beforehand … ? Could be a sort of adventure thing. Reply
Bunny says 5/21/2006 at 9:21 pm Idyllic! Just like the canals of Wiltshire. Lee, maybe you could set up Japanese canal vacations for the over-stressed salaryman looking for a retreat? Reply
minispace says
You could give tourists nose-clips and tetanus injections beforehand … ? Could be a sort of adventure thing.
Bunny says
Idyllic! Just like the canals of Wiltshire. Lee, maybe you could set up Japanese canal vacations for the over-stressed salaryman looking for a retreat?
Dark and dirty places sometimes are inspiring hahahaha