Due to the surprising success of the first Tokyo Times sumo give away gala, I’m happy to say that I have acquired another banzuke (like the one pictured above) that I’m willing to post to a reader of this site.
The link above will give you a bit more information about what a banzuke actually is, but in short it’s a ranking sheet that lists all the wrestlers, along with various staff connected with the sport. And as each tournament has a unique and handwritten original, they are not only beautiful to look at, but also a historical record of each contest.
Like before there are no restrictions regarding location. As long as you have an address I can send the banzuke to, then that’s good enough for me.
So for anybody interested, just leave a comment. Those that impress, interest, or amuse me will be entered into a final draw, and the winner will be announced when I get round to it. Perhaps in a week or so.
Adrienne says
I’m super interested!!! mail it to me please!!! =)
i think japanese writing is absolutely beautiful!
but yeah just to let you know, i’m in university and your site is my source of ‘entertainment’ here! haha! seriously! i look forward to reading your posts everyday because they’re so interesting! Granted that i’m fresh to your site, i must say that i love it nonetheless! it just makes me want to live in japan even more. thanks!
Tim says
For those unlucky enough to be the winner I can post a link to a site where you can buy these, if it’s OK with the site owner. I’m not a spammer, so I ask first.
Tim says
I meant “unlucky to not be the winner.” Duh.
nomad says
… You ever wonder about the mechanics involved in the daily life of a sumo wrestler?
… Though nobody dares call them fat, they are, well, ‘athletically obese’, to the point where any attempt for them to reach their own backsides would challenge the laws of physical mechanics.
… And a lot of these guys get total babes for wives… Once again, one has to wonder how they… ‘fullfill their marital duties’ without causing grievious bodily injury to their women.
… When there’s a will there’s a way I suppose. hehe.
nomad says
… Oh yeah, don’t put me on the list for recieving the banzuke, please. I’d only be tempted to sell it on E-bay, and that just defeats the purpose.
… cheers
Mark says
I lived in Matsudo in Chiba for two years in the early 90s and one of my regrets was not attending a Toyko basho. Takanohana were at the top of their games at the time and as I was leaving Akebono (Chad ?) was on his way down. It always seemed a massive pain in the ass – getting up before the sun to catch a train to the Kokugikan and get in line to buy nosebleed seats. It was great fun to watch on the television, but I should have caught it live. Bummer.
I managed to wrestle with an up and coming sumo with visiting an elementary school in Matsudo. He was about 12 years old, and weighed in at about 180 or so pounds. I am convinced that he let me win, and likely would have slapped my head off is he was serious.
I did see Kiss at the Tokyo Dome though. They were awful.
Rotch says
Nice banzuke. Wanna f**k?
dzogo says
Well, here we go again.
Hope to get it this time. I still have the space ready (and empty) in my tatami room here in the Antelope Valley.
Cheers, for now!!!
Whitey says
I want it. Please enter me in your draw.
I spent a year in Japan and got to see a Sumo tournament. It was great. This would look good on my wall.
On a totally unrelated note (just to amuze you), we used to play a game called “spot the white guy” when I was in Japan. Me and a fellow gaijin would go around the city and see who could spot the most white people. It was good times.
Justin says
That is the banzukiest banzuke that every banzuked.
(Just so you know)
Maktaaq says
Hmm, I am going through a missing-Japan stage, so I’d like to be entered into the draw.
On amusing thigns I could say to get ahead of everyone in the game, I just want to reply to Nomad: “… And a lot of these guys get total babes for wives… Once again, one has to wonder how they… ‘fullfill their marital duties’ without causing grievious bodily injury to their women.”
Why do sumo guys get all the chicks?
Hint #1: One of my teachers pointed out to me that the wrestlers earn a lot of money. Hint #2: This teacher also pointed out that sumo wrestlers have a short lifespan due to their athletic obesity.
And once I met a sumo wrestler in the green car of the Shinkansen. Unfortunately I was in economy and couldn’t sit with him. Oh, woe is me, my chances for bagging a rich husband were dashed against the shores of poverty!
Erik says
I am clearly the most worthy recipient of your banzuke. Along with 3 of my friends, we developed a fantasy sumo league that began in Kyushu in 2003. We have since undergone two expansions and currently have 10 “Oyakata of Imagination” vying to the glory of winning the Emperor’s Cup of Imagination. We’re even in the process of planning a trip to Japan to see Aki Basho in person in July.
You can see our site at http://yokozuna.pricneton.edu.
Plus, what a better accompaniment to a Banzuke of Imagination than a real bazuke?
Erik says
Of course, just because we have a fantasy sumo league doesn’t mean I’m immune to typos.
That website would actually be http://yokozuna.princeton.edu.
Whitey says
Did someone from Princeton just spell “Princeton” wrong? I thought that was ivy legue or something.
Blackey says
Did someone just spell “league” wrong?
Well, I know the irenie isn’t lost on me…
Whitey says
(hangs hedd in shayme)
BerlinBear says
OK, before I begin, let me tell you that this is a true story. I have a good friend, who lives in New Zealand, and who is doing a PhD on the spread of amateur sumo to countries other than Japan. Honestly. Now, if I could get hold of a Banzuke like this to send to him as a present he would be mighty pleased and I would be a very popular Bear. So, whaddya say?
Also, in case you’re interested, there was an interesting story on the BBC website today about the battle to introduce shorts to sumo, in place of the mawashi. Surely a potential topic for the Tokyo Times? The article is here
dzogo says
would you consider barter?
Lee says
Nah, no bartering Dzogo.
I got the banzuke for free, so I’m more than happy to just give it away.
dzogo says
Good then,
I am more than happy to accept it from you then!!
Kristen says
Hm…this is my first post to the site and I must say that I rather enjoy your sometimes-cynical views on different matters. But anyways, I’m a fourteen-year-old living in America. Isn’t that reason enough to give me the banzuke?
Kristen says
P.S. I’m a poor tormented soul with parents who don’t understand me. Pity me.
Kristen says
That didn’t come out right. Read this one before that:
This is my first (now second) post to the site and I must say that I rather enjoy your sometimes-cynical views on matters. Anyways, I’m a fourteen-year-old living in America; I think that’s reason enough that I should be given the banzuke.
dzogo says
the suspense is unbearable…..
I just don’t have any nails anymore.
Please, please, pleaze, pleazze, leaze, lease, slease, slice, ice, I, I I …
…..huhhhhhhhh, it was a dream
alcuin says
Lee says
Apologies for the delay.
Ok then here goes. After much cutting up of paper, and writing names on them, one was picked out.
And the winner is…
Drum roll please.
Extended drum roll…….
I shall be in touch by email Maktaag. And for everybody else, I will get more banzuke in the future, so your chance will come.
Maktaaq says
Thank you very much. *sniff* I hope my prize does much to foster world peace.