Not a bad looking truck you may think. If indeed lumbering lorries are you thing.

The more obsessive among you may even go as far as saying it looks great — but you’d be wrong. Or at least that’s how maker Mitsubishi Fuso feels; its truck fit only for the formidable rank of ‘super great’.

4D says
Sounds like the Reginald Perrin of trucks to me.
Tim says
I love the lorries in Japan, especially the souped-up, Mad Max-esque ones with with chrome snow plows and what not attached to them.
They know how to sell their trucks…
RisingSunOfNihon says
this is super great. man… great is not enough. super is not enough. I didnt know japanese made such good trucks too. I wunder what mitsubishi cars are like there… what are they ranked?
James says
I’m getting the FUSO SuperAwesome next month…
dayak says
i was driving a crome mitsubishi fighter 6 ton white…now no more driving the truck…its still on the road….beautiful truck…