The current worldwide economic slump and Japan’s prolonged post-bubble predicament have hurt at least some of the nation’s large number of love hotels, with more than a few having to unfortunately pack in proceedings prematurely. A fate that rather sadly befell the previously featured and regal sounding Royal and Queen — businesses whose blue blood boasts weren’t enough to combat the wilting of the economy, or indeed their customers.
Yet for many others, however, it has surprisingly been something of a boom time of sorts, with the likes of the Queen’s Bali managing to vigourously thrust through the wild waves of financial uncertainty.
And at the same time consummately beat off any bottled-up concerns.
Happily coming out of the whole sticky mess bigger and bolder than ever.
Resulting in a vessel that despite the stiff competition, is positively awash with seamen.
So to speak.
Lye Huat says
So is it true that staying in a love hotel in Japan is much cheaper as compared to a normal one? Hmm. Was thinking of visiting Japan this year-end.
RMilner says
Love hotel prices range from 2,500 yen per hour up to over 10,000. This is the ‘Rest’ rate.
You get a discount rate for visiting in the service period (usually 9 am to about 1 pm) and there is an overnight rate called the ‘Stay’ rate.
There is an English index of Love Hotels but I am not going to look it up while I am at work.
Some Love Hotels let you pay in advance when you go in. At others, you pay on the way out. Lots of Love Hotels used not to allow singles into the room. Not all Love Hotels have room service.
Love Hotels don’t have the proper facilities of a real hotel and are not a good substitute though they would be fine for a one-time overnight stay. I mean, you have to pack everything and get out the next morning.
Ron says
In celebration of Japan’s whale hunting activities, I have the urge to stand on the bow of that ship and shout at the top of my lungs: “THERE SHE BLOWS!!”
phossil says
at least they cant sink….at all…
naythu says
hi !
Maji says
I love to go to Love hotel. Ofcourse with my girlfriend at the time.
I think love hotels are cleaner then regular hotels and the price to stay overnight isn’t that bad where I go.
The service is pretty good to. Especially since you don’t have to see anybody else.
There are usually a nice bath, video games, and movies all included.
Plus the free packs of condom is great!