Tokyo’s parks offer a myriad of sights and sounds, many of them happy ones, but the man below — who I think used to own this dog, which unfortunately must have died — is instead a decidedly sad one.

A scene that always used to upset me, and yet at the same time it was one that for reasons unknown I would always seek out. One that for an awfully long time I made a point of not photographing too. Until a while ago that is. Although why it’s hard to say. But whatever the motive, I’m now glad I did, as despite countless visits, he hasn’t been there since. And as sad as he always looked, the park is somehow a lot sadder without him.

tamh says
Oh, wow. This post made feel a knot in my throat.
Decidedly, he looks really sad there, like he was holding on to his plushie to compensate for his missing dog. I just hope he’s okay, where-ever he is.
Those are some sad pictures, but well, life is just like that.
The knot is still there.
Lee says
That’s how I always felt…
Billy says
Moving… Nice post. At Yoyogi, I sometimes see similar sad sights…
Lee says
Thanks Billy. Yes, he’s unfortunately not alone in that respect. Not by a long way.
@an_hell187 says
🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁
[Gm] says
I can understand what he feels. I hope he soon found another friend(s), and you’ll see him again at the park.
And your B/W tone just make it even sadder :-(.
Why, Lee? Why?
*Don’t answer that. It’s rhetorical 🙂
Lee says
I hope so too.
Linette says
Very poignant scene you’ve captured. You noticed him. You have made a difference. And now we all get to be with him in a way. He’s not truly alone. That must stand for something…
Lee says
That’s a nice way of thinking about it Linette. I hope you are right.
Lizzy says
Thank you, Linette. It’s my hope also that our hearts reaching out for him somehow help ease his sadness. And thank you, Lee. These posts help us feel connected in a way. Or, at least I do.
Lee says
Not at all Lizzy. Happy to hear the photos are appreciated.
Naie says
That’s such a heart-wrenching image 🙁
winnie says
Melancholy post. Feel the sadness from the pictures. Like telling us to treasure our loves one.
Sorry, it give me this feeling.
Lee says
No need to be sorry. There’s certainly an element of that there.
NihonBurp says
Wow…a picture really does say 1000 words 🙁
JuliannaMKH says
I like the way Linette put it. I wish I could give him a hug and tell him that I understand what it’s like.
Lee says
I always wanted to give him a hug. Probably wouldn’t have been a good idea though. But yeah, I liked the way Linette put it too.
Tyler says
Wow Lee, that is a moving picture, I had to go look at some of your more moving and happy pictures to feel better after this set of photos.*
*Don’t change what you do though, excellent photography
Lee says
Cheers Tyler!
domo. says
I hope the man finds another friend who looks just as awesome in a kimono as his old one =)
Nausje says
Great photo’s and story! Very touching indeed. Whatever has become of this man, you have immortalized him in your photos!
Lee says
Thanks Nausje. Hopefully he’s just found another park to go to…
MrSatyre says
Heartbreaking. My best friend loves to sit in my lap and watch the birds and people whenever I’m sitting on a park bench. I hate to think of the day when I will be that old man, too…
Lee says
Yeah, I think that’s a huge part of the photos, it makes us think about things we really don’t want to…
And yet at the same time, appreciate what we have.
arabesque says
there is always something in one’s expression sans dialogue that touches your heart.
a poignant and a moving one.
i hope despite the sad reality, he’s okay…
MrSatyre says
This is now me. I am destroyed. It has come much, much too soon.
Lee says
Really sorry to hear that. My thoughts go out to you.