It could well be because of a lifetime of having to squat when squeezing one out, although thankfully that’s mostly avoidable now due to the welcome abundance of western bogs. Or there again, maybe squatting is as compulsory as kanji in education.
But either way, the ability to ‘sit’ in that position for a prolonged period of time without protesting in pain or unceremoniously seizing up is simply amazing.

asddude says
well imo the ‘asian squat’ is quite comfortable! they don’t sit on their toes as most “western people do but rather have the whole sole flat on the ground
Marsha says
Love the squat. My legs still uncontrollably fold into squatting position even when I’m sitting on a normal chair.
andy says
That man is certainly comfortable. If I could of been in that position comfortably, it would of helped me in numerous occasions : )
Alex says
Unfortunately, I can tell you that it gets easier with practice. It seems like everything I want to shoot is way down low these days. On the bright side, my legs are getting much stronger. 🙂
Funny one says
News paper Headline reads, “man squats and lays a fresh steamer on sidewalk”
Tornadoes28 says
Yes, the “Asian Squat”. I’m not sure if it’s hereditary or learned by my children who are half Japanese are experts at the “Asian Squat” from the day they were toddlers.
jamesmallon says
It’s not hereditary, for heaven’s sake. I am over 6′ and look like model for a 30’s German propaganda poster (minus the offensive uniform) and squat just fine. I did as a kid, did before living in Japan for 3y, and still can years later. Kids are flexible: ‘use it or lose it’.
Crowbeak says
It’s not an Asian hereditary thing; watch kids at home squat when they’re doing their kid stuff. They do it flat-footed. Squatting with your feet flat is a natural thing for humans to do — we just eventually learn to do it wrong, which takes a lot more work on the part of our calves.
Bernat says
Really amazing ability, I will be forever amazed about that XD