With its plentiful supply of commode equipped convenience stores, Tokyo is very welcoming indeed for those blighted by a weak bladder or excessively busy bowels. And, with a recent Japanese fashion show claiming that adult diapers don’t have to be dowdy, most people can now happily go out without having to be overly mindful of a mishap.

However, after a large coffee or a load of lager, the possibility of getting caught short should never be completely ignored; a predicament the young lady below amply proves. As, after inexplicably going about her business in a bikini, her bladder was obviously so bulging that she had to relieve herself right in the middle of a busy road. An acutely embarrassing situation that was luckily eased somewhat by a kind-hearted crowd covering her inconvenience with cameras.

Click image for possibly not safe for work wanton weeing.
(image via the FG Forums)
Akka says
Wow, no inhibitions there! 😮
Andy says
Hope she doesn’t water her plants in the same way, to add a bit of “tang” to her tomatoes and such.
PS. Cheers for the link!
Paul says
What the fuck?
Zack says
Double WTF!
In the middle of the street in front of everyone, what’s even weirder is the mix of women and men smiling & taking pictures of her in the act.
Drew says
Someone either lost a bet or got paid a big pile of yen…
ato says
oh japan.
technonewt says
There has been a bit of speculation whether this was photoshopped. If not, i’m not surprised, it is Japan after all.
Thean Kun says
why are they doing this?T.T