For Tokyoites who are fond of fishing but unfortunately find themselves too far away from where the fish are, there’s always the option of popping down to a man-made pond and pulling out the odd planted perch, or even pike perhaps.
Yet for those with transportation, or the tenacity to tackle the trek, the river is where it’s really at, as along with the wonderful environment and stunning views, the tetrapods are said to be positively teeming with trout.

Craig says
Love the pics!
While interesting in their design and kinda fun upon first viewing….always sad to see any marine area just assaulted with them!
They also really know how to ruin a good surf spot with all that concrete!
They’ll learn someday….we used to build jetties back home like madmen, and now spend millions upon millions removing then after we figured out how much they destroyed our beaches.
Lee says
Couldn’t agree more Craig.
The problem is, I fear a lot of places are too far gone already, regardless of how many millions, or indeed billions, are spent…
Craig says
Silly concrete monsters….they killed all the fireflies too with their concrete river banks!
Oh well, either they’ll kill everything or learn!
If they don’t learn, future civilizations can come to Japan and marvel at their destructive use of concrete
carter says
Very urban 😉
Jonathan says
Woah I didn’t realise how much of a problem the conrete objects were.
The Envoy says
In either case, it’s better than one place near my neighborhood, where people actually fish at oxidation ponds….
phossil says
Wow. those pieces of concrete are really big.
Nice pic.