After a month or so of minimal site activity while I was in the motherland, I am now in Japan again, meaning Tokyo Times will return to its regular routine. So it’s back to walking all those labyrinth-like streets. Back to almost always carrying a camera. And back to photographing the city’s much-touted fashionable shops and frenetic pace of life.

Dan Ryan says
Welcome home, buddy.
Lee says
Cheers, Dan. Good to be back.
Martin says
Looking forward to more of these stimulating photos. 😉
Lee says
Haha, thanks!
Matt says
Looks like this guy is not back to pre-summer pace. Welcome back.
Lee says
Cheers. Yeah, he makes his own pace. A pace more than a few people in Tokyo could learn from!
Don says
Glad you had a break, but looking forward to the daily updates again!
Lee says
Thanks, Don. I’m looking forward to getting out and about again. Could be a bit of a struggle in the current heat though…
Taki says
Lee says
Hans ter Horst says
I do start to wonder what “Child Cut Day” may mean (as mentioned on the flyer)?
Lee says
I just assumed it was a special deal at the hairdressers, although considering the kid is wearing a hat, it’s not a great advert!
Morgaine Fey says
Welcome back!! I always look forward to seeing your photos! It makes me less homesick!!
Lee says
Thank you! It’s nice to know I’m doing something right.
winnie says
So happy that you are back!! Welcome Back!! 🙂
This man is sleeping in nice posture.
I can see a few cans of Tuilp Luncheon meat on the shelf. If it’s cost 520 or 525 yen, is considered super expensive! If it’s 52yen(impossible), I will buy them immediately..
It is one of my “unhealthy” favourite food…. haha
Lee says
Thanks a lot, Winnie.
I’ve never tried that stuff. Must be an expensive little place then. Probably the reason he has no customers…