Being a bloke, the merits of one ladies hairstylist over another remains a mystery, although that said, Beauty Toshiko’s (ビューティー トシコ) decidedly bold approach of basing its banner,

on the bouffant once boasted by croaky crooner Bonnie Tyler,

suggests — considering the singer’s somewhat surprising lack of trendiness in Tokyo — that it could well go the same way as this sorry-looking salon.

If indeed its faded and fashion faux pas of a frontage isn’t already a fair old forewarning.
B Nelson says
Here is a naive question: Is that graffiti in the bottom photo ?
Lee says
Yeah, it is B Nelson. Or may I call you B?
There’s still not exactly loads of it around Tokyo, at least compared to other big cities, but it does seem to be on the rise.
mallocup says
I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure the boarded up place you are referring to was a sushiyasan (a daidokoya). it used to be my local, but alas..
btw, thanks for the link!