For all the negative qualities of continuing to coat the country in absolutely colossal amounts concrete, on a cold and crisp winter’s day, its heat retaining attributes at least make the riverbank the perfect place to briefly park one’s behind.

Although as this unrelenting approach has rendered the views less than resplendent, reading material is recommended — required even.
Paul says
Nice pic, I assume it’s some kind of levee? What’s with the patterning on the concrete, is it just for show, or does it have some property for stemming the river when it threatens to burst it’s banks? It makes it look like a massive tyre.
I’ve just spotted some of your stuff over on 28dayslater, by the way. Good work fellah!
Lee says
Cheers Paul.
Pretty much the whole of the riverbank is like that, with liberal use of tetrapods here and there to break things up a bit. The thing is, when there was a big typhoon a couple of years ago, the water was up and over this lot in no time, so it’s either a system that simply doesn’t work or an attempt at tarting the river up somewhat. Possibly by a tyre fanatic!
Jason says
I like this shot Lee, especially the DoF, well captured.
Dimaz Arno says
Very nice place..
it seems my country doesnt have something like that even one! *sigh*
maybe someday i will build that one 😀
anyway what time you captured this photo?
great shot Lee, cheers
30frames says
Amazing the lengths people will do to for a little quiet and elbow room. Like you mentioned…not much of a view, but very peaceful for reading.
Mame says
Ooooh, I post my comment here but I’m speaking about all yours photos: I LIKE THEM SOOO MUCH!
…and I like this site too!!!!
Sooner or later I wish I come there…everything seems to be so diffrent in Japan: people, lifestyle…even THE SUN!!!! XD