Tsukiji fish market is a fascinating area to walk around, but considering the environment and incredibly early hours, it must be a particularly tough place to work. So, when another week is done, and everything is hosed down or swept away, it’s no surprise to see that a bit of downtime is met with unadulterated joy.
Grant says
Cool. It looks like a still from a movie. Very cinematic.
Lee says
Cheers. Hadn’t thought about it that way. Certainly an enjoyable scene to see.
cdilla says
That is a lovely photograph. Full of life and joy of the moment.
Tsukiji is a place I’ve seen a lot about and was one of the main places I was disappointed not to find time to visit. I love the sights sounds and smells of food markets, and Tsukiji seems to be on a scale not to miss. Sadly the opportunity for us has passed, as our next visit will not be until after the relocation. However, I’m not sure my wife would have wanted the early start. So along with a stay in a capsule hotel and visit to the robot cafe it would have been a solo excursion 🙂
Lee says
Thanks. Yes, it really was a nice moment to see.
The little square of streets next to Tsukiji look likely to remain, so they are still worth a visit. Good atmosphere, and lots of fresh food on offer. No need for a ridiculously early start either, which is another plus.
YTSL says
I love to visit — but you’re right, am not sure if I’d like to work there. Am very sorry that this place will go sometime this year. I can’t imagine the new Tokyo wholesale seafood market will be even half as as atmospheric as Tsukiji.
Lee says
Yeah, it looks like a tough place populated with a lot tough looking people.
But no, it’s hard to imagine the new place having even a fraction of the atmosphere. A real shame.
Matt Talbot says
Maybe he just really loves seagulls. Or he’s standing beside his rival’s van and delighting in the gulls ‘decorating’ it for him. Standing there with his mouth open mightn’t be the wisest decision though!
Lee says
Haha, maybe. And yes, it’s not the most advisable of things to do with so many birds about!
There were a few hawks about, and they were his real interest. But sadly they didn’t make it into the frame…
john says
” Dayhawks (at the Fishmarket) “.
You could have an iconic photo there :O)
Lee says
Haha, I doubt it! Was a lovely moment to capture though. Genuinely nice to see.