Now I’ll admit that I’m no style guru. Give me a t-shirt and a pair of sneakers (oh, and some jeans I guess) and I’m more than happy. But even with my limited knowledge of style, I’m well aware that yamamba fashion is neither cool nor stylish. Take a look at them.

Yet as bizarre as they look, I do find them fascinating in a freakish kind of way. And whether you like it or not, they’ve certainly gone through a lot of trouble to achieve their desired look. The hours spent down at the tanning centre alone must measure in the hundreds.
Sadly though their numbers are slowly dwindling, and pretty soon they could well be extinct. So this may be your last chance to jump on the Yamamba bandwagon. I’ve already bought the white eye make-up and hair dye, but the only problem now is my pasty white skin…

CTDeLude says
G’ah! I just went over these Gyaru women on my own site…
Why the hell would attractive women do such a thing with themselves?
Toni says
Yes, I remember these kinds of women VERY well…
The horror…the horror…
Ana says
Ohhhhhhhh my……….
Talk about orange skin… lmao
It’s kind of cool in a weirded out kinda way…
kris says
Interesting stuffs you’ve got here… Mind if I add you in my links?
Lee says
Thanks Kris. And I don’t mind at all if you add a link.
Ashley says
I ~love~ extreme fashions – isn’t ANY aesthetic better than a dull one ? extreme fashion is fun to wear, fun to look at, and fun to laugh at (sometimes) – yamamba gals : never die !
BB says
This is a cool website about yamambas and japanese stuff