“While we were studying the whales, some onlookers said they looked appetizing. But I would not recommend eating them.”
University of Hokkaido lecturer, Tetsuya Endo, explaining the reaction of a few salivating scavengers as he examined a dozen or so melon-headed whales found dead in Chiba Prefecture; the researcher advising against consumption due to excessively high levels of mercury found in the beached mammals.
Now call me an unadventurous eater, or even a fool for passing up a free meal, but ‘appetizing’ isn’t exactly the first word that springs to mind when I see something like this.

The couple in the distance may or may not be cooking up a storm.
Paul says
That’s kind of like eating roadkill in on the appetising scale. I suppose if you turned up for a beach barbequeue and forgot the steaks, they might be passable, providing they weren’t too gamey. Pass the thousand island dressing, someone.
Nic says
I will never understand the Japanese ability to look at a live (or recently deceased in this case) fish and say “gosh, that looks yummy”. I just can`t imagine looking at a cow, patting my tummy and thinking “right, let`s get the oven on”. Just a tip, never go to an aquarium with a Japanese person, it is disturbing!
melina says
“beached roadkill”!
LK says
I suppose they didn’t want to waste it, and the fact that it was free…
Amanda says
I find that very disturbing that someone would look at an animal killed by the carelessness of humankind and find it apitizing. Personally, I am sickened by the damage we have done to the wildlife. I can understand not wanting it to go to waste, but if we took better care of out ocean those animals would probally have lived longer.