It has to be said that on occasions, pet lovers can go a bit too far. Such things as dog dye and cat cosplay outfits adequately proving the point. Yet even these preposterous products seem semi-sensible compared to dog wine.

A beverage that for all those interested can be purchased from the internet shopping site Rakuten. A snip at 400 yen (2 pound) a bottle. Glass not included.

Whilst the drink is just non-alcoholic grape juice, man’s best friend appears none the wiser. The classy canine below demurely sipping on a glass of the stuff. A nice treat for any pooch after successfully defecating outside rather than on the living room carpet.

As an ideal companion, dog cigarettes are now rumoured to be in production, with the manufacturers looking at an early 2006 release.
martin g says
They missed out with the name . . .
could have called it ‘ Dog Whine’ ?
Toni says
Is that a real dog? He looks too cute and furry to be real.