Whilst spring may bring warmer weather and the fleeting beauty of cherry blossom, for many Japanese it also heralds the start of hay fever season — a time of misery for most, except money making medical men and mask makers. The work of the latter in particular resulting in a tremendous amount of Tokyoites trotting around town wearing these.

Yet for the more fashion conscious sufferer, the Japanese site Daily Portal Z suggests popping down to the local sewing shop for material to make your own. A prettily patterned protector perhaps perfect for a big night out.

Or alternatively, if a night of naughtiness is on the cards, this lacy little number could be ideal.

For the food-loving fashionista however, a trip to the supermarket and the purchase of some seafood is deemed necessary.

Shell size it seems is the only concern, and once bought the insides can be either made into dinner or discarded. Then, after a quick dab of paint and the attachment of some elastic to hold it in place, it’s ready to wear.

With considerable pride.
(via Japan Probe)
Landl says
I hope he give it a proper wash first!!