After a recent mention on Tokyo Times of Japanese model Mizuki Horii and her confession of feeling close to cows because of her far from undersized udders, a discussion of sorts has developed in regards to whether her bovine-like boobies are real or not. A matter that whilst admittedly nowhere near as significant as Britney Spears and her shaved head, is still worthy of investigation.
Unfortunately, a call to Horii-san’s manager about a quick juggle with her jubblies to see if they are the real deal hasn’t been returned; but instead, here are a couple more pictures of the young lady in question, followed by a poll to count the presumably pitiful amount of votes.
So, without further ado, are they genuine jugs,

or man-made mammaries?
Update: After a surprisingly ample 421 votes, the figures were 289 to 132 in favour of genuine jugs, meaning Mizuki Horii’s big breasts are officially not man-made. Ah, the delights of democracy in action.
shinobi says
Truly the american way: to vote on an issue and decide a person’s fate regarless of wat it actually is. SIGH. I love democracy
Yamato-jidai says
What a pitiful poll, but what an eye-catching bust !
I vote “Man-made mammaries”, I am not proficient in surgery but a such uncommon size for her “udders” must means they are fake. The fact she claims she has “genuine jugs” is eerie, doesn’t it ?
Pigumon says
Uncommon does not mean impossible. These are likely real since they are not misshapen like man-made, and they are not very big really.
Paul says
I still think they look real. Fake ones are harder and less malleable than real ones. They are very large though.
Perhaps she’s had reductive surgery on the rest of her body to compensate?
Othello says
The way they react to their environment, as Paul mentioned, makes me think they are real. Implants simply wouldn’t bulge in the same way they do in the first picture, with much of the mass moved forward and out to the side.
mangaphreak says
Told you so from the very beginning…!! 😉
Besides, I probably wouldn’t really care anyway…she’s just too cute…
wembley says
Cute how you guys all found such an enlightened way to commemorate the run up to Woman’s Day!
claytonian says
hey I hate to ask but why does this keep ending up in my feed reader? Are edit-spamming it?
Lee says
Sorry Claytonian, don’t quite know what has been going on there.
I fear it may have something to do with the poll though, so I’ve got rid of it and just posted the results. I hope that stops it.
claytonian says
Well, all things considered, there could be worse things for me to be stuck with.
guanoisland says
lovely – very inviting
paul buGAR says
the proof is in the movement. watch this luscious video and see for yourself.
Vecuccio says
Are the voters insane ? Her breasts are fake.
Western people are under the impression implants only look like the hard football looking American style.
My God ! Mizuki Horii REAL boobs ! hahahahaha 🙂
Or maybe some of you just have a psychological NEED to belive that Japanese models are all natural ! hahahaha !
You western guys are funny ! 🙂
mexxican says
If you look at this picture, you can no longer doubth they are man-made 🙁
Ryouni says
little known fake’d, trough normaly in asian country’s woman have A-cup and really B or C, 10% of just japans (not even counting china and such) have a breast growth disfunction, resulting in girls with giant breast, one of the biggest known is a M-cup
she speaks the truth about them being real, as a cultrual diffence to most countrys is that the very first question to famous girls with big breast in asian country’s (if purely asian them self) is are they real, with it is normal to answer with the truth even if they are fake, happens all the time.
the matter that big breast as these are always fake, is a stupid thought (no offence meant), as my girl is asian blood, slender build but with natrual F-cup’s, i have known her sinds we where little kids and i have seen her grow up, and defelop her breast natrually (as that for them that still think, so, she might have done it behind your back) no scares or other indications, and most ipportantly she nor her parrants have MONEY enough for breast augumations.
Vecuccio has a point that a lot think fake breast are mis-shaped or hard, as theys days its getting harder to tell even by touch, let alone photo.
i do not say there are real nor fake, i leave that for others to dissiced, but i did want to get a few simpleminded things out of the way
Ryouni says
a little edit, when typing that she speaks the truth, it seems i forgot to add: probally, as in she probally speaks the truth.
as i even i can have this thing wrong, but judging from basics matters, i think she speaks the truth, but everyone can lie so it can not be counted as a full fact
luna says
Oh please those are fake i mean jap guys rally are dumb arent they look i made my breast 2 years algo but nos they are saggy and look exactly like Hers,so menos please don be stupid