Whilst there’s always an abundance of weird and wonderful things gliding past at the average rotating sushi eatery, a few plates of basashi (raw horse meat) trotting by on a recent visit caught my eye.

Initially the thought crossed my mind that the meat making its way round could be the hapless horse Haruurara’s final outing. A not necessarily unexpected end to a racehorse famous for its dismal performances and winless record.
But judging by the basashi’s graceful and relatively quick jaunt around the restaurant, I guess it wasn’t.
J. says
I saw an item on the TV news (@NHK?) the other day, saying that the “farewell race” for Haruurara was postponed as the horse was not fit for racing.
Makito says
Out of curiosity, how did you enjoy the basashi? I’ve been told it is rather tough.
Lee says
I must confess that I didn’t eat it. But my wife did, and she said it wasn’t tough at all.