After years of refusal, I recently popped my baseball cherry; a friend to explain the rules, and tickets for the wonderfully old Jingu Stadium, eventually proving just too much. Despite having a good day, however, it’s safe to say that it certainly won’t be dislodging football and cricket from my sporting affections. And, when it comes to television coverage, I’d still probably prefer a bit of kabaddi before bothering to see what’s happening at the ballpark.
Not live though. No chance. Yes, baseball drags on. Bits of it are incredibly boring too. But, and this is an absolutely colossal conjunction, there are beer girls. And, to paraphrase a suitably-related movie, if you call them, they will come — positively laden with lager.

TKYC says
Yep… baseball is close to the most tiresome game about (hence why its called a pastime, perhaps?)… but that said, Japanese baseball is the best, purely for the Beer girls.
We got hammered just asking them to keep coming and serving. Dressed in a baseball top and shorts (with the small keg on the back), they were the only thing we were watching all game.
Toshogu says
I completely concur with TKYC.
[Gm] says
I watch my first baseball game here in Tokyo. However, coming from a country where baseball is not (very) popular, I found the sport to be rather boring.
I even found rugby (who also not very popular in Indonesia) more entertaining than baseball :D…
Football is definitely more entertaining here in Japan … :D…
St John says
I’m English but I love baseball and many other sports. Going to baseball in Japan is a lot of fun and the beer girls do a great job.
NihonBurp says
Yep couldn’t agree more, the only good part of the ball game I went to was the atmosphere. The Tokyo dome is a really good venue it’s just a shame that it was baseball I was watching
Lee says
To be fair, I think baseball is very similar to cricket. To an outsider it’s slow, and a lot of the time nothing seems to happen. Plus, unlike say football, it’s a game you can dip in and out of. But, when you are familiar with all the tactics, skill etc, and perhaps more importantly, have a team to cheer on, it’s the greatest thing to sit down to. Watch. And enjoy a few beers.
I don’t have those though. But I did have the beer, and that was very nice.
Jeffrey says
The only reason I pay the slightest attention to the sport is because our son plays. And as much as we want him to be the next Messi, he really wants to play American football.