For those on the look-out for a coffee that is enticingly full bodied or even a bit fruity, then this release from the Roots line is probably best left alone, as although its container is a little curvaceous, the drink itself is decidedly demure.

There again, what’s a brief bit of fieriness compared to the offer of a fine life?

That said, technology boasts aside, it doesn’t taste much different from the myriad of other canned coffees on the market, except for perhaps being a tad less tart.
Honor says
Got to love the slogans on those drink cans! Where would my life be without coffee!
coffeeman says
Sadly, canned coffee all tastes like water with coffee taste that’s been heated for days on end. But hey, it’s only 100 yen, as opposed to 500 yen for a watery coffee at Starbucks!
Makito says
Honestly, they almost all taste the same. I’ve gone through entire vending machine banks during my breaks at work… It’s like they only have three variables – viscosity, sugar content, bitterness; and I’ll say they dont vary it much at all.