With Japan’s seemingly insatiable desire for both souvenirs and snacks, fancy or indeed unfathomable foodstuffs are far from lacking in locales deemed desirable for day-trippers. And, on Enoshima island at least, octopus parts pressed into prodigious disc-shaped delectables appear particularly popular.
As indeed is the process needed to produce them, which is sweaty,


and sometimes even sultry.

Michael Flux says
Hahaha “even sultry”
Yes yes yes, agreed. 😀
Dennis says
She can press my octopus anytime.
…the 3rd one, that is… the 3rd girl, I mean… not my 3rd octopus… although I only have one.. if you know what I mean…
S in Shanghai says
The girl on the third pic is a clear hit. Get us some more like her…….working or not!
cre-cre says
The girl in the last pic was really pretty… maybe squishing octopus has some benefits hmmm
Rob in Oz says
There’s a 1001 other opportunities out there for the 3rd girl far far better than pressing octopus…gee…what is she thinking! It’s sad to see such talent wasted. =(
Felipe Fonseca says
Epic girl… wow…
bengz says
Better stay away from her guys … epically when she runs out of Octopus, she WILL be thinking of your little Octopus.