How individuals deal with stress can vary wildly, with newspapers and magazines continually adding to the available options with all manner of methods and management techniques. Yet whereas many people opt for a bit of sport or subduing the senses with alcohol, Yoshiaki Kobayashi’s rather unorthodox approach is to shove a load of ice cream into the nearest postbox.
![japanese postbox](
The 42-year-old stressed out salary man was picked up by the police last Friday after ‘posting’ a large dollop of chocolate ice cream; however after similar incidents in the same area involving ice cream of an undisclosed flavour and liquid soap, the police are questioning Kobayashi further over his possible involvement.
But whilst the investigation is still ongoing, Kobayashi-san has already admitted to the allegations concerning Friday night’s shenanigans, telling the officers in charge, “I was frustrated because my job was not going well. I wanted to vent my anger.” An act that unfortunately for Kobayashi violated the Mail Law, and also resulted in some letters becoming, to quote the police, “dirtiedâ€.
englishman says
If he’d stuck an address and a stamp on it, he might’ve got away with it.
dodderyoldfart says
My god man, Crime is rampant over there…
cat says
yea! he shud put a stamp & adress on the ice cream!
Asian Wild Rose says
This is quite tame. My uncle is a mailman and he has stories or worse things put into mailboxes that he’s had to dig out… like concrete!!
Surronded says
That’s a good way to show anger xD ….there are far worse ones
Worn Panties says
If I were a postman and the box had anything in it other than post I wouldn’t touch it.