As maid cafes begin to saturate certain areas (almost) as much as Starbucks, conveyors of coffee and cosplay are becoming increasingly hard pushed to come up with new and geeky gimmicks. The people behind the newly opened St. Grace Court in Akihabara however appear to be on to a winner, ingeniously combining morality and maids with these nun inspired outfits.

With surroundings a little more sombre than the usual themed cafe, the staff also add to the ambience with their coy demeanour and heartfelt Christian beliefs.

And whilst their clothing may be a little cheekier than the garments sported by their convent-cloistered counterparts,

they all faithfully bid customers farewell with an earnest, “God bless you!â€

Eric at Paris Daily Photo says
Did you get them to pose especially for you?
Ken Y-N says
Is the one on the left of the last photo in drag?
James says
There are no sacred cows…
Cameron says
Just to add: The nuns got their own Anime characters also 😛