In many of Tokyo’s little bars, clutter is seemingly very much the order of the day, along with signs all over the walls allowing you to know what to order on any given day. But such a mishmash of stuff does give each place character. And fortunately this establishment, like so many others, also has its characters.

Geoff says
I really like the triangular element of the two men and the TV. Actually amazed to see such a small and outdated TV these days. In high-tech Japan too! 😉
Lee says
Cheers! I liked the little television too. Had one other shot. A better expression on the fella’s face as well. But sadly the TV was barely in the frame…
Tom says
Big fan of the TV too! Takes me back….
Lee says
Likewise. Times have certainly changed. Well, in some places they have!
john says
Also a fan of the the TV, a bit like mine!
I’m waiting to find compact flat screen model.
Lee says
You might be hard pushed to get one that small!
The analogue TV signal was turned off a good few years ago, so they must really like that model, as presumably they are using a special tuner of some sorts.
john says
Obviously minimalism doesn’t extend that far, unless the concept implies ‘no TV’!
A Mitsubishi tuna perhaps? (couldn’t resist)
Lee says
It made me chuckle, so I’m glad you couldn’t resist!