When advertising their resting places on roadside hoardings, Japanese love hotels can apparently only allude to the lewdness that takes place on their premises. A cheeky ‘Fornicate at La Festae’ or even ‘Get your leg over at La Festae’ seemingly a little on the saucy side.
A rigid set of restrictions that has perhaps pushed this hotel in western Tokyo into producing a sign that is arguably much more sinister than sexy.

(click image for bigger billboard)
Kaspian says
Imagine if there was such a hotel near a rail line. They could advertise by having a train going through a tunnel. Good times.
makito says
On the flip side…. one repeat a line from “The Ring of Fire”:
“Welcome to the a**hole of the world.”
“You’re passing through it – what does that make you?”
Johan says
Hey, I just wanna say that La Festae is one hell of a hotel – I’ve stayed there a couple of times.
It’s a bit more classy than most of such other establishments (thus, it is also quite expensive)